Taking delivery of my new company car. A VW Bora.

Large statue on the Eastern side of Chihuahua city, called
the Gateway to Chihuahua.

Some kids selling watermelons on the side of the road.

A delivery of Kenworths.

Heading East from Chihuahua. Great roads for driving in the
early morning with no one about.

Chihuahua Desert.

Ojinaga Desert.

Ojinaga Desert.

Canyon in the Ojinaga Desert.
Calf roping at a small town South of Chihuahua.
American paint horse competition at the County Fair, Chihuahua.

A military check point. These were everywhere around
Mexico. Trying to catch drug runners.

The notorious fence between Mexico and the USA.

I met this Hobo sitting on the side of the road in El Paso.
He was thrilled to receive a few bucks from me.

Heading West from Juarez towards Nuevo Casas Grandes.

Driving through the Northern Chihuahua desert I came up
behind these guys who must have left home in a hurry that morning.

Paquime Indian ruins at Nuevo Casas Grandes. The Paquime
Indians were around during the period of 1060-1340.

Driving through a snow storm on my way to visit friends
at Matachi.
My friends Bob & Sandy Rulewicz from Connecticut. Outside
their missionary training school at Matachi.